We rented a moped for only $6 a day...what a steal. It's the best way to get around Pai and really see the beautiful landscapes around the town. We wanted to go to the hot springs for a low key day, but the best place was closed for renovations. We didn't want to settle with a place that has bad reviews, so we just decided to moped around for awhile and soak in the views.
We were so excited to be hungry today after having no appetite. Instead of picking a random place in town, we took a recommendation from our host to go to a place called Earth Tone. It was a super hippie/chill/local/organic place that had delicious and nutritious food. We both got the super salad in an effort to get some nutrients back in our systems.
After lunch we took a break and just read, blogged, and journaled on our bungalow's front porch. We knew our bodies needed it and what a great place to relax.
After some R & R we heading into town for some Thai noodles and live music. We happened upon a place doing 'Spoken Word', which is basically open mic but for more than just music (stories, jokes, poems, etc.).
A fairly low key day, but we were happy enough to just get outside. Tomorrow is our last full day here then we're off to Laos.
"I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Pretty food:)