Thursday, October 1, 2015


Despite looking at the weather and knowing it would be in the 90's, the heat threw me off. You get used to it, but it's such a heavy, sticky heat that you sweat all day. It's the kind of heat that tires you out regardless of what you do. So we decided to walk all day, obviously. 

We went to the train station to buy tomorrow's tickets and Al found her favorite restaurant in the station! 

On the way there we got bombarded by tuk-tuk drivers every three blocks offering tours around the city for cheap, but we honestly wanted to walk. Walking allowed us to see parts of the city otherwise overshadowed by the beauty of the temples and the flavors in the food. Walking allowed us to get lost down a residential dead end and see how people really live in Bangkok. 

We still don't feel like we're actually here, although all were eating is rice and noodles and cat. Hopefully we didn't eat cat, but there are a TON of cats roaming around the city, some cute, some...well...they live on the street. #adopt

At the end of the day we found a small bar that had one guy playing guitar and singing. It was a perfect environment after a long first day. I love how live music makes a bar ten times better. And I love that music can be enjoyed by everyone even if it's in a language you don't understand.

Tomorrow's a new day to explore. We leave in the evening but that should leave enough time for a massage.

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